sustainable living

Our Program Mission

The way of God miracle Ministries will be home to transitional children waiting to be placed with a foster family. Currently, the children are being sheltered by generous extended families willing to keep these children for some time.

Support for these children is made possible through relying on food donations from the community - which prepares meals for all these children. Due to the lack of stable funds, meal preparations become more vulnerable to availability and less about variety and nutrition.

Fighting Hunger

What we are doing

Nutritious meals are very vital in rebuilding the lives of HIV positive kids, malnourished community children and ex-street kids recovering from parasitic diseases like tapeworms which they acquired from their unsafe living environments.

Foster children living close to the resource center utilize this center for educational support. These children’s meals are vital in keeping them focused during their tutor sessions. While many of our foster families supplement their food budgets by growing their own food, even then we still have a deficit in our food budget to meet all the children’s’ nutritional needs.

We need your Support

Donate to supoort this program

We need meals for the foster children and their carers. Can you cover some of these?

During school breaks, our community library runs a holiday feeding program for at-risk children in the community. We found that many children are left home without adult supervision and no meals during school breaks.

The chances of unsupervised children having a hot meal a day are improved by consistent provisions of the feeding program. We cannot do this without your help. Would you consider Today providing a meal for a child in need?
